Raves Various and Sundry

What’s Your Beef?

So let’s say you just finished binge-watching season three of The Bear in the span of a few days and, with not much food in the house, you just want to get a beef sweet and hot ‘n’ wet and talk about it. But maybe you don’t. In fact, maybe you don’t have any idea what I’m talking about. In which case I have two actions for you, should you choose to accept them. 1)…

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Raves Various and Sundry

Complete Non-Secret: I love Mold-A-Rama so very, very much

In the tradition of the Internet and blogs collectively giving you information and confessions of greater interest to the person confessing than to you, the reader, I give you this glorious article that trigger some of my fondest memories of visiting Chicago. But whatever my personal connection, let’s face it: Mold-A-Rama is awesome. It’s only now, with 21st century hindsight, do I realize that, as I was getting models of the U-505 or perhaps a plastic…

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