Various and Sundry

The Hunt for Hard-to-Find Films

My post earlier this week about the Paramount sale reminded me of one of the annoying aspects of the streaming era: that films and shows can go missing This isn’t a new phenomenon. Even before the succession of VHS to DVD to Blu-Ray (not to forget the attempts of Betamax, LaserDisc, and HD DVD), prints of films and TV shows could be hard to find. But if a longstanding truth of the way to make…

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Various and Sundry

Getting Medieval with Your Answers

I’ve previously shared videos from Wired’s long-running series of “[Topic] Support.” This is where they have an expert on a topic usually far removed from tech support giving short, definitive answers to various questions on said topic. I gotta do it again, because Dr. Armstrong covers a far-ranging series of questions in just under 20 minutes from the general (“why is it called the middle ages”) to ultra-specific knowledge about names of swords. And, of…

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Various and Sundry

Skydance to Buy Paramount*

As John Oliver might say, “A lot happened last week,” but there’s one news story that I wanted to highlight. Paramount aka Paramount Global aka the latest incarnation of CBS Corporation & Viacom aka Mithrandir (for certain brain-addled elves) has a buyer. You can learn about it from an official notice, their own news division (CBS) talking about it, as well as: Both NPR and Variety have some questions about the deal and what this…

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Various and Sundry

What’s the Deal with Hold Music?

If you haven’t been on hold with some business or another so far this year, don’t worry: it’ll happen. And when it happens, you might ask yourself, “Why is hold music the way it is?” Alexia Kontolemos has you covered with an informative article for Mental Floss. My main improvement would be the elimination of ads, but I know that won’t happen. And if you want to know more about the grandfather of background music,…

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Raves Various and Sundry

What’s Your Beef?

So let’s say you just finished binge-watching season three of The Bear in the span of a few days and, with not much food in the house, you just want to get a beef sweet and hot ‘n’ wet and talk about it. But maybe you don’t. In fact, maybe you don’t have any idea what I’m talking about. In which case I have two actions for you, should you choose to accept them. 1)…

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Various and Sundry

Interactive Ethnographic Maps of the Americas (and elsewhere)

I’m one of the many folks who dig maps of all sorts, so this interactive map of native peoples in the Americas and Australia is very cool. I wish there could be additional historical and other layers, but don’t be surprised if you don’t spend some time checking out your neck of the woods, places you’ve lived, and places you’ve always wanted to visit.

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Various and Sundry

Dulles Airport… in Burke?!?

Here’s a bit of alternate history I learned just last week: before the current site for what is now Dulles Airport, planners were looking to put a new Washington-area airport in Burke, Virginia. Granted, if the Burke residents hadn’t mounted a resistance, we likely would have gotten a new airport in the area before John Foster Dulles was deemed an appropriate man to lend his name to an international aerodrome… and certainly before Carol Burnett…

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