
Lessons Learned from NaNoWriMo, 20 Years On

It’s National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short. Right now, friends and colleagues are busily trying to reach daily word counts that will total 50,000 words or more at the end of the month. I linked to a series of resources (articles, videos) about approaching NaNoWriMo and novel writing last month. My month is packed full of going through casting submissions for the first half and then script-writing on a certain space opera for…

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9 Steps to Build a Strong Plot (NaNoWriMo Prep)

NaNoWriMo will be upon us next month, and so for a lot of people, October is National Novel Prep Month. (I’m mainly going to hype my writing in an anthology this month… and also work on some scriptwriting). Now, if you read last week’s post and decided that you are more of a plotter, writer Derek Murphy has a 9 step “plot dot” for you. For some, you’ll quickly pick up on the fact that…

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Are You a Pantser or Plotter? (NaNoWriMo Prep)

NaNoWriMo will be upon us next month, and so for a lot of people, October is National Novel Prep Month. (I’m mainly going to hype my writing in an anthology this month… and also work on some scriptwriting). This Monday’s entry is important, as we’ll be midway through this prep month before you know it and you need to ask yourself: am I pantser or a plotter? Will Soulsby-McCreath walks you through some thought exercises…

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8 Things to Consider Before Writing Your First Novel (Possible NaNoWriMo Prep)

NaNoWriMo will be upon us next month, and so for a lot of people, October is National Novel Prep Month. (I’m mainly going to hype my writing in an anthology this month… and also work on some scriptwriting). But let’s say you haven’t written a novel before and were anxious about it and were wondering about what will work and what won’t work and what will work for you… Well, since I featured one Vlog…

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NaNoWriMo 2015 Recap

Well, that was illuminating. In the end –which is to say when NaNoWriMo ended on November 30th– I completed 50 script pages: half of the 100 I had set out to do. Pros: Having all the blog posts finished by October meant I could focus on the script writing. I’m very happy with what I have written — and it’s work I’ll continue and should finish in the new year. Cons: Hey, I didn’t reach my goal.…

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NaNoWriMo Break: How to Write

Part of a month-long series of inspirational or informational posts during NaNoWriMo. Why am  I saving Heather Havrilesky’s rather profanity-laden-yet-detailed explanation of exactly how to write at this, the penultimate NaNoWriMo post? Because it’s actually rather long — and I’m hoping you’re catching this as part of an extended post-Thanksgiving break. You probably need a laugh at this point. Home stretch people. See you again on Monday!

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NaNoWriMo Break: Stephen King on Writing

Part of a month-long series of inspirational or informational posts during NaNoWriMo. If you haven’t had a chance to check out Stephen King’s On Writing, it’s well worth a read. As you might imagine, there are many good quotes from it. Here’s a collection of many quotes, as well as some Stephen King facts, which don’t necessarily connect to one another, but are equally interesting. Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

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