Various and Sundry

The Origin of the Leatherman “Pocket Survival Tool”

Father’s Day is coming up next month and some kids are probably debating what tools to get their dad, but I’m thinking of some of the tools he gave me …in part because a spirited discussion about what constitutes the best multi-tool or if any multi-tool can be good has erupted on a techie forum I frequent.

We all got a pocket knife around age nine or ten, similar to a pocket knife my dad himself got and, in fact, carried with him (in a pocket hankerchief) pretty much wherever he went prior to the proliferation of metal detectors. Perhaps as a sign of the times and knowing I was deeply within stage techniciandom, he gave me the present of a Leatherman Wave one year, a tool I still have and use even as multitool technology has surely improved, both by Leatherman and others (I mean, there’s a “Wave+” now, for a start).

So I enjoyed this very recent news piece about the origin of the first Leatherman that packs a lot of details into its compact four minutes… kinda like a Leatherman.

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