Various and Sundry

Getting Medieval with Your Answers

I’ve previously shared videos from Wired’s long-running series of “[Topic] Support.” This is where they have an expert on a topic usually far removed from tech support giving short, definitive answers to various questions on said topic. I gotta do it again, because Dr. Armstrong covers a far-ranging series of questions in just under 20 minutes from the general (“why is it called the middle ages”) to ultra-specific knowledge about names of swords. And, of…

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A24: You Sunk my Hollywood Battleship!

If I had a dollar for every time I heard or read about major studios being too risk averse, I could fund feature films to my heart’s content… or could I? Films cost a lot of money, which is why there aren’t 147 major studios and, as one indie filmmaker friend of mine is wont to say, money isn’t a thing, it’s the thing. So how did such a small non-studio become such a major…

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Various and Sundry

Contemplating Internet Umbrage

I’ve been thinking a lot about the Internet for the past few weeks. No, not in the “What has the Internet ever done for us?” kind of way. More in the “Do I like the current cut of the Internet’s jib?” kind of way. I mean, the whole AI obsession has not abated since I mused about it last year. So this video struck me when I came across it earlier this week. This led…

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Various and Sundry

The Origin of the Leatherman “Pocket Survival Tool”

Father’s Day is coming up next month and some kids are probably debating what tools to get their dad, but I’m thinking of some of the tools he gave me …in part because a spirited discussion about what constitutes the best multi-tool or if any multi-tool can be good has erupted on a techie forum I frequent. We all got a pocket knife around age nine or ten, similar to a pocket knife my dad…

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A Good Trailer Gives the Tone

I am in the evidently crowded camp of people wary of many a trailer because they reveal too much of the plot. However, I do still enjoy trailers that give you the feel of the film journey they want you to take: you have an idea of the characters, the genres, the tropes to be honored, the tropes to be subverted, and the overall tone. These days, the trailers that pull this off are usually…

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Various and Sundry

The Saga of the Washington Metro’s Silver Line

Being a naturalized citizen of the Washington area, I have followed the saga of the Silver Line for, well, decades. The fact that it exists and runs all the way to Dulles Airport is a fact that still doesn’t quite seem real. This video gives a relatively quick explanation of all the twists and turns it took to get there. Now if you’re a DC-area denizen like me, you might wonder about a local perspective,…

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Various and Sundry

A Savage Outlook on Work

A few weeks ago, I realized I could easily go back and re-watch a bunch of episodes of Mythbusters, which led to the natural rabbit hole of watching additional Mythbusters-related videos on YouTube which led to some of Adam Savage’s current YouTube videos originally recorded as a video/Patreon version of Reddit’s “Ask Me Anythings” (AMAs)… though, in truth, this seemed to be themed around work which, hey, works for my often work-focused Wednesday posts… This…

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Various and Sundry

Let’s Talk About Dead Bodies!

I’m not gonna lie: I thought of the Monty Python skit when I saw this video as Victor Sweeney is everything you thought a mortician might be. This was apparently decently popular, so they brought him back for a part 2: And wouldn’t you know it? Mr. Sweeney has also done one of those experts-review-films videos and it’s very informative: Hope everyone’s spooky season is starting off right.

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