Various and Sundry

Interactive Ethnographic Maps of the Americas (and elsewhere)

I’m one of the many folks who dig maps of all sorts, so this interactive map of native peoples in the Americas and Australia is very cool. I wish there could be additional historical and other layers, but don’t be surprised if you don’t spend some time checking out your neck of the woods, places you’ve lived, and places you’ve always wanted to visit.

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Producing Writing

The Anthropology of The Expanse

How I managed to miss this article last year is something I chalk up to the vast depth of the Internet, but still: I love The Expanse and part of that ardor is absolutely the multi-layered world-building. Those of you who have checked out my space opera Rogue Tyger and its ever-growing “Encyclopedia of the Imperium” will not be surprised at that fact. So I was all into this article by James Hoare for The…

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Various and Sundry

Mid-life Crisis Royale

Let’s say you’re contemplating whether you or a loved one is currently experiencing a ‘mid-life crisis,” and you’re wondering why that is, what that means, and who came up with the concept anyway. The Royal Society has your back. Just be prepared for some very British references. Honestly, based on the level of research Professor Mark Jackson has put into this, I’d be interested in a much longer lecture or series of lectures, but it’s…

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Various and Sundry

Jobs Expanding to fit the Pointlessness

If you’ve wondered what the point of some jobs are — and if, in fact, there seem to be more jobs out there trying to “maximize innovative enterprise solutions” or just “realize value,” you’re not alone. What’s worse is realizing you might be in one of those positions and then pondering what you can possibly do within the confines of that meaninglessness. (Though I suppose some people long for that.) Over at the Washington Post, Jena…

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