Various and Sundry

Speaking of that other Star Thing

I finally saw it today. You know, that space movie I was talking about the other day. I can now roam the Internet freely. I liked it. That’s about all I will tell you. If you liked the original trilogy, you should like it. If you liked the prequels, I still don’t see why you wouldn’t like it. In fact, if you were planning to see it, go ahead and see it already. Don’t you…

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Various and Sundry

Star Trek Fans: We Are Probably Doomed

I meant to post this earlier when the Star Trek Beyond trailer dropped, but holiday obligations meant I needed to stew with the implications for days. And alas, amid the season where I should be counting blessings and giving thanks, I have some geek-related dread. (I should note, that I am counting blessings and giving thanks as one might expect. Nothing Trek-related could be that impactful unless I was somehow involved in the creation of…

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Various and Sundry

Recommended Reading: Facebook’s Latest Quest

Julia Greenberg in a recent article in Wired talks about Facebook’s efforts to be more than a place to keep up-to-date with the doings of friends and family. Part of me feels like this is the formation of the new networks to replace the old triumvirate of NBC, ABC, and CBS (which vintage radio folks will point out are not as timeless as one might think: here’s looking at you, Mutual).

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The Differences between a Policy, Process, Procedure, and Work Instruction

After last month’s deep dive into the realm of writing, I suppose it’s only fair that I touch on the fine art of producing and project management. Simply put, just as a “risk” and an “issue” are different in the land of project management, so too are documents like a Policy, a Process, a Procedure, and a Work Instruction. On a very basic level, you could think of them as increasingly detailed versions of the…

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Raves Various and Sundry

Complete Non-Secret: I love Mold-A-Rama so very, very much

In the tradition of the Internet and blogs collectively giving you information and confessions of greater interest to the person confessing than to you, the reader, I give you this glorious article that trigger some of my fondest memories of visiting Chicago. But whatever my personal connection, let’s face it: Mold-A-Rama is awesome. It’s only now, with 21st century hindsight, do I realize that, as I was getting models of the U-505 or perhaps a plastic…

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NaNoWriMo 2015 Recap

Well, that was illuminating. In the end –which is to say when NaNoWriMo ended on November 30th– I completed 50 script pages: half of the 100 I had set out to do. Pros: Having all the blog posts finished by October meant I could focus on the script writing. I’m very happy with what I have written — and it’s work I’ll continue and should finish in the new year. Cons: Hey, I didn’t reach my goal.…

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