Site Update

It’s a Blogiversary with Fine Pottery Among the Willows… or Something

Nine years ago today, I relaunched a personal website, something Internet denizens hadn’t seen since the days of Netscape Navigator. Depending on how you mark anniversaries, this will be the pottery or willow anniversary. Not as exciting as the Bronze Anniversary last year, but I guess folks decided that metals could use a break. As with previous versions of this blogiversary post, I’ll be looking at the posts that were popular over the past year…

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Site Update

It’s a Bronze Blogiversary… with Salt!

Eight years ago today, I relaunched a personal website not really seen since the previous millennium. I’ll leave it to readers to decide if it’s a little bit good or a little bit bad and in what proportion. But eight years does appear to be the Bronze Anniversary or, if you’re indecently British, the Salt Anniversary?!? I’m guessing that latter one dates back to the Danelaw. As with previous versions of this blogiversary post, I’ll…

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Site Update

It’s a Wool-Gathering Blogiversary!

Seven years ago on this date, I finally got around to relaunching a site on ye olde world wide web, which as anniversaries go is sometimes termed the ‘wool’ or ‘copper’ anniversary. As with previous versions of this blogiversary post, I’ll be looking at the posts that were popular over the past year and other stats worthy of wool-gathering. Star Trek Once again, my posts related to ranking every episode of every Star Trek series…

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Producing Rants Raves Reviews Site Update Various and Sundry Writing

Wouldja Believe? It’s a Five-Year Blogiversary!

Back on March 1st, 2015, I re-entered the web world with a personal website, something I really hadn’t had since the 90s, which in Internet terms is ancient history. Perhaps because March 1st doesn’t correspond with any other anniversaries in my life, I keep on meaning to do an annual retrospective about posts and such on the blog, but keep on forgetting. This year, however, I made sure to set a reminder for myself. As…

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Site Update

My Social Media Strategy, Revealed

Not unlike business plans, it seems like one needs to have a “social media plan” these days. In the past year, many people I know have abandoned Twitter or left Facebook or joined Instagram. And I seem to be in the midst of that periodic flurry of people following me on Twitter or giving me a long treatise about why they want to connect with me on LinkedIn. So for future edification, but mainly for…

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Site Update

What’s In and What’s Out

Long, boring pages on websites explaining what will or will not be found on said websites are about as exciting as actors laying pipe. However, it does seem like a bit of context and identity is in order. So, for that reason, this blog post is here to serve that purpose and then fade into the background, unless it needs to be called back into action. Way back in the truly wild Internet, the first…

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Site Update

And there was Blog…

Incubation always seems to take too long in hindsight. Or does it? After sitting on my to-do list for a long time –even before I was tracking to-do lists via Workflowy— it finally made sense to launch my website anew. And now it seems inevitable. This time, I’m using WordPress, a tool I’ve grown quite fond of while using it to maintain my company website. This site, however, is meant to be more personal, more full…

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