Site Update

It’s a Bronze Blogiversary… with Salt!

Eight years ago today, I relaunched a personal website not really seen since the previous millennium. I’ll leave it to readers to decide if it’s a little bit good or a little bit bad and in what proportion. But eight years does appear to be the Bronze Anniversary or, if you’re indecently British, the Salt Anniversary?!? I’m guessing that latter one dates back to the Danelaw.

Howard the Duck isn’t the only character introduced during the “Bronze Age of Comics,” but he’s certainly one of the saltiest.

As with previous versions of this blogiversary post, I’ll be looking at the posts that were popular over the past year and other stats worthy of preserving in salt (or bronzing).

Star Trek

It’s no surprise that my posts related to ranking every episode of every Star Trek series topped the list of total traffic to the site. I expect this to continue for some time as they appear to have appealed to some search algorithms. This year’s rankings are:

  1. Every Episode of Star Trek, the original series, Ranked (1)
  2. Every Episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Ranked (4)
  3. Every Episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Ranked (3)
  4. Every Episode of Star Trek: Voyager, Ranked (2)
  5. Every Episode of Every Star Trek Series, Ranked: The Whole Enchilada (5)
  6. Every Episode of Star Trek: Enterprise, Ranked (6)
  7. Every Episode of Star Trek, the animated series, Ranked (7)
  8. Every Episode of Star Trek: Discovery, Ranked

The Original Series (TOS) has maintained its lead, month-to-month, since last year. The Next Generation (TNG) has warped up to the number 2 spot in only the past few months, which I’m chalking up to season three of Star Trek: Picard. This much-hyped “final season” that just started streaming last month reunites much of the Next Generation cast and I’m sure more than a few TNG fan has done a nostalgia-inspired search that led them here.

You’ll see their rankings last year in parenthesis. I won’t be surprised if Voyager goes up in the ranks again once the documentary comes out.

I’m also guessing the newer Trek series will inch up as I actually catch up in ranking the newer seasons (and whole new series!). A lot has debuted since I created these lists in 2020.

Most Visited Posts (apart from Trek)

Apart from Star Trek, the eight most visited posts in the past year (whether they were from this year or no) were:

  1. Film Genre Popularity Over the Decades (2022)
  2. Fewer Lightning Strikes and More Slow Burns (2021)
  3. Schedule Management: The 0-50-100 Method for Tasks (2016)
  4. Schedule Management: Exceptions to the 0-50-100 Method (2016)
  5. Fast. Cheap. Good. Pick Two. (2022)
  6. TCM Remembers, 2022 (2022)
  7. Cue Rockin’ Blogiversary Music (2021)
  8. The Surprising Profit Center for Airlines (2022)

A lot of project management and process improvement this year. Not a bad thing –and something I should really write more about (I used to teach internal classes in schedule management and risk management and enjoy sharing what I’ve learned). And, naturally, I’m always up for more film posts.

Posts I’d Like to Get More Views

I can’t complain about my Trek posts getting plenty of views. I don’t mind the project/process management posts’ popularity either. But I see occasional spikes of popularity on some posts I’d like to see get yet more hits… and a few posts I just want to get more love. Here are eight more or less in order.

I’ve been thinking about actors and casting a lot in the past year, David Warner being a character actor whose performances I’ve gone back to for decades. Just about all of these posts are in the Top 100 from the past year (which, considering the site have over 700 posts, isn’t bad), but the Sherlock Holmes one has spiked a couple times, which always makes me smile (I do hope the author of said ranking now has her doctorate). And finally, I gotta give writing self-promo a shoutout: I mean, writing is the primary reason this blog is here. If all goes well, I’ll have another few bits of promotion this time next year… and probably more Trek.

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